Sunrise Rotary of Covina

The Jewel in the Crown of Rotary...

About Us

What is Rotary?


District Field Conference Center - Covina, CA
Covina District Field - Conference Center
220 West Puente Avenue
2nd Floor - South Hills Room
Covina, CA 91723

What is Covina Sunrise Rotary?

Board of Directors

Robert Avila

Vice President

Don Crouse

Director International Services

Dennis Duncan

Executive Director

John Espinoza


Jonathan Espinoza

Membership Director

Shannon Hidalgo

Treasurer, President Elect

Bill Higley

Youth Services Director

Nancy Leal

Community Service Director

David Little

Executive Director - Legacy Foundation

Galen Metz


Terry Wysocki


Past Presidents

82-83 Richard Curly Jr.

83-84 Robert Jennings

84-85 Gerald Gaynor

85-86 Armando Favela

86-87 Howard Raff

87-88 Tim Burlingame

88-89 Henry Morgan

89-90 George Bradley

90-91 Bob Remy

91-92 Joe Geiselmann

92-93 Al Marino

93-94 Tom Miller

94-95 Richard Adams

95-96 Ed Cooper

96-97 Roman Morales

97-98 Michael Catania

98-99 Roger Gama

99-00 Dennis Duncan

00-01 Hugh Ledford

01-02 Mimmo Femino

02-03 Shirley Von

03-04 John Pellizzon

04-05 Judy Starns

05-06 Owen King

06-07 Terry Wysocki

07-08 Wes Uptergrove

08-09 Galen Metz

09-10 Bill Hammett

10-12 Galen Metz

12-13 Lone Sorensen

13-14 George Fuller

14-15 John Espinoza

15-16 Sal Flores-Chatfield

16-17 Robert Avila

17-18 Shannon Hidalgo

18-19 John Espinoza

19-20 Bill Higley

20-21 Cicero Salmon

21-22 Galen Metz

22-24 Robert Avila

24-25 John Espinoza

Membership Directory

Robert Avila - Jeweler

Vice President

Robert has been a Rotarian for nearly ten years and is a past director of community service and club service. He is the Club's USC Trojan Football advocate as well as being a general sports nut (he flies to a Dolphins game every year and is a baseball / football coach). He is a gemologist and jewelry designer for his Covina store "Constantine Creations" and designs jewelry for Mark Victor Hanson (author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul"). Besides being president for 2016-17, Robert claims his best achievement is having a great wife and four healthy sons.

Don Crouse - Tire Dealer

Director International Services

Don is a Charter Member of the Club and has distinguished himself with perfect attendance since 1982. In addition to serving on the board, he's a former Rotarian of the Year and Paul Harris Fellow. Arguably, the best "whiner" in the club, he is an avid fan of muscle cars, road runs, drag racing, and anything automotive. A graduate of Cal Poly, Pomona, he's been married for over 35 years and has two sons.

Covina Valley Unified School District - Matt Dalton - School District

CVUSD has joined our Club as a Corporate Member.

Ted DeWitt - Signs designer

Ted was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and works in the photo engraving and printing industries. He moved for a new position in California in ‘98 and worked with major commercial printers in the Los Angeles area as plant manager, general manager, and VP manufacturing. In 2009, he opened Signarama in Covina and Expanded in 2014 and again in 2022 with additional floor space and equipment. He now has five employees with revenues over one million dollars and was named 2022 Covina Business of the year. Recently, he was responsible for creating and donating much signage for our Mardi Gras fundraiser.

Dennis Duncan - Optometry

Executive Director

Dennis is a past president of the Club and plays an instrumental part in organizing ticket sales for The Auctions and other CSR fundraisers. He has been a member for over 25 years and in his spare time enjoys working with the Boy Scouts of America, skiing and collecting first edition books by John Steinbeck.

John Espinoza - Printer/Copier Sales/Service


A member since 1961, John has been instrumental in creating the Interact Club of Covina High School, a club that introduces teens to the spirit of Rotary. John runs a semi-successful printer and copier business in his spare time when not busy as a professional Polka instructor...

Jonathan Espinoza - Insurance

Membership Director

(New member - data aquisition underway...)

Shannon Hidalgo - Banker

Treasurer, President Elect

A member of CSR since 2010, Shannon was born and raised in La Puente. A Covina resident for 23 years, she has worked in financial institutions for 43 years, 31 years with Pacific Western Bank. Currently VP/Branch Operations Manager of West  Covina Office. She has four children, 6 grandchildren and 1 doggie. Her hobbies include cooking and trying new recipes, crafting, happy hour with friends, and  family time.

Bill Higley - Civil Engineer

Youth Services Director

Bill came to CSR by way of volunteering with the Operation Santa Clothes project. He was actually asked to join OSC due to the fact that he hangs out at K-mart every day anyway, and this gives him the opportunity to satisfy his community service hours requirements. As a result of his great participation and ambition, he became a CSR President!

Bill Hubbert - Pharmacist

“Bull” (his Club nickname for many years) is a Charter Member of CSR since its founding in 1982 and has been Club Treasurer for about as many years as well. He attended Covina High, Mt. Sac, and the USC School of Pharmacy which led to his partnership in Rose Pharmacy for 30 years. Semi-retired, he now has time to pursue his avocation: the American Old West and in particular, the Indian Wars. He spends time reading and researching the subject as well as traveling to visit historic sites with his lovely wife, Mary.

Nancy Leal - Stay at home Mom

Community Service Director

Nancy has become a full-fledged Rotarian and member of the board after upgrading from an Associate Member.

David Little - Finance Director

Executive Director - Legacy Foundation

David is affectionately called "grasshopper" by his fellow members because he rubs his legs together a lot. This could also explain why he has experienced wedded bliss for years beyond what could be expected at his young age.

Al Marino - Financial Planning

Al married his wife Nancy in 1971 and has a daughter, Danielle. A member of CSR since 1984, he served as a board member, then club secretary (under George Bradley and Howard Raff), and ultimately, as Club President. A former phys.ed. teacher with a doctorate from UCLA, he coached South Hills HS gymnastics to CIF championship in 1972 then went on to Cal State LA where he served as Gymnastics Coach, Kinesiology Professor and Associate Athletic Director for 12 years. During that time, he was awarded NCAA Division 1 “Gymnastics Coach of the Year” (1974). In the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, he was the manager of the Gymnastics Award Ceremonies. After leaving the educational sector, he became Managing Partner at Diversified Securities Inc. in West Covina. He is now retired and enjoys wooden boats, doo wop music, backpacking and hiking. His latest endeavor is learning to play bass guitar and joining a touring band!

Galen Metz - Wine Bar & Art Dealer


After retiring from a 25 year career with Eastman Kodak, Galen opened the Azo Vino Wine Bar and Gallery in Covina where he exhibits and sells fine "objets d'arte" as well as great wines and beers. As a nationally known speaker on business and marketing practices, he served as Chairman of the West Coast School of Photography Board of Trustees and now serves on the Board of Directors of the Covina Downtown Merchants Assoc. As member of the Professional Photographers of America, he received the degree of Photographic Craftsman in '92, the PPA National Award in '96 and is one of only 25 recipients to receive the prestigious Paul Kennedy Award for Professional Photographers of California. He serves as an industry advisor to Through Each Other's Eyes, using photography as a medium for education and cultural understanding involving eight countries. He's a founding member and serves on the Board for the Living American Masters Photographic Project which researches, documents, and archives North America's greatest photographers. In his free time he enjoys motorcycle touring and you may recognize him as our auctioneer for the High Heels and Handcarts auction, the World War II Victory Party and Bootlegger’s Ball (which he chaired).

Terry Wysocki - Computer Technologies


Terry is a past president (2006-2007) and has been in the club since March 2001. Raised in Michigan, he joined the Army in '67, then moved to California to continue his education. He worked 12 years for the LA Sheriff then went into the private computer sector. Now when not working with computers, he rides a Harley with his wife, Sue, who is a Past President of the Covina Rotary Club. He's also a professional musician and has played drums in the White House. His latest hobbies are his 120" home theater / automation system, Pop Tennis, programming and jamming with guys in his band, GrayRock.

Associate Members

Associate members are an active part of our Club. They are not required to attend every meeting and pay regular dues. Instead, they have an annual enrollment fee and can participate in the meetings, events, and all of the projects that CSR has.

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Propose New Member or Apply for Membership

If you would like to propose a new member to CSR, for a PDF application form that you can download and fill out, print and submit to the club.

There are 3 type of members in the Club:

  • Regular Members (age:21+, $100 Fee, Monthly Dues)
  • Associate Member ($300 year, $10 breakfasts)
  • R Future Member ($45 year, $10 breakfasts, age:<=30)
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